Close-Act Theatre makes street-theatre spectacles for festivals and events. With stilts, mobile objects and beautiful costumes we create an imaginary world for you to enjoy. Le théâtre Close-Act crée des spectacles de théâtre de rue pour les festivals et les événements. Avec des échasses, des objets mobiles et de beaux costumes, nous créons un monde imaginaire dont vous pourrez profiter. Close-Act Theatre hace espectáculos de teatro callejero para festivales y eventos. Con zancos, objetos móviles y hermosos trajes, creamos un mundo imaginario para que disfrutes.

Convoi Exceptionnel

Multiple large parades or mobile spectacles.
- Birds
- Odd Platoon
- Machine
- Couleur Exceptionnel

Close-Act Theatre makes street-theatre spectacles for festivals and events. With stilts, mobile objects and beautiful costumes we create an imaginary world for you to enjoy. Le théâtre Close-Act crée des spectacles de théâtre de rue pour les festivals et les événements. Avec des échasses, des objets mobiles et de beaux costumes, nous créons un monde imaginaire dont vous pourrez profiter. Close-Act Theatre hace espectáculos de teatro callejero para festivales y eventos. Con zancos, objetos móviles y hermosos trajes, creamos un mundo imaginario para que disfrutes.

The large-scale parade

Convoi Exceptionnel is synonym for large parades or mobile spectacles.
Various objects like flying carts, music mobile or big bird puppets move through the streets.

All objects are surrounded by dancers, actors and musicians, have lightning and amplified sound.

When the parade stops the story unrolls.

Convoi Exceptionnel is a large-scale street theatre parade suitable for spacious locations.

Big mobile art objects and beautifully designed costumes will impress any kind of audience.

The performance is played among the public. You can expect actions coming from everywhere.

The actors guide the public into a mythical dream world of grotesque images, fire, light and sounds. Convoi Exceptionnel is played in a fiery world, where huge birds fly around and where huge metal carts are loudly brought into motion.

If you like more information about this Act, please contact us